Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LVRR Superbowl 10k

My first 10k race. And the Steelers were in the superbowl! (They didn't win, oh well!) I looked at pictures from the past Superbowl 10k races and saw that a lot of runners wore jerseys or shirts supporting their teams. So I put on a steelers t-shirt and headed for the Lehigh Parkway.

In the days leading up to the race I looked at the course map and elevations. I knew there was a climb somewhere in the middle of the race, so I was prepared for it. Little did I know that the course would change that morning.

I parked and went to pick up my race packet. I took time to warm up because the roads had some icy spots. I planned out where I needed to run in these areas so I could avoid slipping and falling.

I was not particularly confident going into this race. Being that it was early in February my training was hindered by snow and ice. I did very little outside running. The majority of my training occurred on the gym treadmills. Did I mention that I HATE treadmills? I am a firm believer that they are much easier to run on then running outside. I don't feel that I get the same workout on a treadmill as I do from running outside. On a treadmill the ground is constantly being pulled underneath your feet and there is no wind resistance. So the winter months this year really hindered me.

So I set a reasonable goal for this race: to finish in under an hour....

Before the start, the race director announced the course had changed due to the icy conditions. I figured oh well, I didn't even know where I was running to begin with. The announcer then stated that we would run in and out of the parkway twice. I thought, "how boring!" And how boring it was!!

The horn sounded and off I went. At least running the race out and back twice I knew where the hills were. That's all I'm saying. I don't really have anything to say about this race other then I finished it in 52 minutes! Talk about smashing my goal! I held an 8:30 pace and felt great doing so. However, immediately when I stopped I had extreme IT band pain.

I took some much needed trips to the chiropractor for some graston and recovery massages!

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